46 – Moral Superstition

We cannot derive our morals from our comforts or definitions. They easily sneaks up on us, our own self-made morals.

The Pharisees of Jesus’s day had legitimate fear that God would punish them. Israel had already been punished because they didn’t care for the wisdom of the Old Testament laws, morals, and teaching, particularly about the Sabbath.

But, rather than loving the Spirit of the Mosaic Law, they took the approach of building “fence laws”. By following these extra, man-made lists of rules—so they thought—they would never come close to breaking God’s Laws. These were the rules they often debated with Jesus.

But, “fence laws” have one problem: God doesn’t need help. Perfection cannot be improved upon. Don’t “improve” Heaven’s morals.

As important as speed limits are, never craft any moral formula where speed limits on the highway end equate to “Biblical morals” on the other. Don’t let secular government define your moral code. God’s commands rotate on an axis of their own and, however useful, no government is in full alignment with the God-given morals that shape your Eternity.

Things by which God will judge each of us are laid out in the moral code He gave, the morals that came from above. Human rules aren’t always bad, but they can’t best God. If you can’t find a clear argument for a moral value in the Bible then at least tell yourself that it is a moral from humankind; don’t put that on God.

“Mess up” your thinking so that you take your P’s and Q’s from the Bible above all.

When you set your watch to Heaven’s rhythm, people around you won’t understand you anymore. Realigning yourself to their confused worldview won’t help them.

Stick to your guns, stay at your post, keep your watch. Stand.

Continue to inject yourself with a worldview that no human could have thought up. You’ll see the results in your life.

When people argue with you, brush it off, be friendly, and keep doing what you know is right. In time, your results will captivate and inspire others to join you. Nothing is as persuasive as loud results from morals far above our creative imaginations.

Joshua 1:7; 23:6, Proverbs 4:27, Romans 12:1-2