138 – Worldview Schools of Thought

If you want to have a strong life, you must draw a line in the sand. In self-improvement, there three main opinions: disdain for the entire topic, people who will take any criticism or hardship to improve themselves, people who want to impose change on the external world and are easily offended.

This book is written for the second category only. If you are in one of the other two categories, you hopefully won’t like this book because it conflicts with your worldview’s DNA.

This book’s approach to self-improvement is to hear-out criticism, search for “inner” strength, and deny yourself the right to claim “victim”, especially if you are one. If you’re not looking for that, don’t read this book.

If you are unhappy with your body, this book advises you to accept yourself from the inside and be physically healthy, not to do plastic surgery or other forms of medical treatment. If people treat you rudely, this book teaches you to find “inner power” to press on with your life, without policing or modifying or making laws to regulate what other people say. If you want want to medically alter your body in order to be emotionally satisfied with your body or if you want to protest about “hate speech”, then this book’s philosophy cannot help you because you seek a different type of “life coaching” opinion.

Know your approach to life. Recognize your mode of operation and put it into words. People have different philosophies about “being better people”, identify which group you fall into and do not judge the specific advice of a worldview you are not a part of.

If you don’t believe in the Bible, don’t critique the hermeneutics or theology of those who do. If you believe in the Bible, don’t criticize the morals or philosophies of those who don’t. If you’re a Republican, don’t criticize the politics of someone who is a Democrat. Learn to say, “We are in different schools of thought,” or, “I’m a Republican, you’re a Democrat,” or, “I don’t believe the Bible, you do,” or, “I deny myself the right to cry victim, even when I am one.” Then you can disagree with dignity.