184 – Jesus and Him Crucified

Jesus’s crucifixion was the greatest game changer in all history, Eternity past and future.

He was the perfect human sacrifice, completely completing every part of every sacrificial Law from Moses. He was and is the literal Lamb of God. Because of Jesus’s death on the Cross, Moses’s sacrificial Law has been completed and fulfilled so that no sacrifices are ever necessary, ever again. His sacrifice is applied to anyone merely by believing that it is real and sufficient.

Jesus sacrifice was a human sacrifice, but it had much more power than any other human sacrifice. For those who have engaged in human sacrifices, Jesus’s self-sacrifice at the Cross is sufficient to break their bonds with the Devil, to completely forgive their evil, and to give them all the power and permissions available to anyone who believes in Jesus as the Messiah from God the Father.

The power of Jesus’s sacrifice was demonstrated in his resurrection from the grave. No one brought Jesus back to life; he brought himself back. In his crucifixion and completion of Moses’s sacrificial Law, death permanently lost its grip on humanity. Now, Jesus holds the grip on the grave.

Paul prayed to know Jesus in his suffering so that he could understand God more and to attain resurrection from the dead, just like Jesus. Paul also said that he should never hope to boast about anything except Jesus Christ and him crucified. Of all the accomplishments in this world, the greatest work in any of our lives is the redemptive work of Jesus at the Cross to bring new life in our own lives.

Jesus did miracles in his first lifetime on Earth. He also delegated the power of miracles to his disciples. He could do this because he had the Holy Spirit living inside of him. That was possible because Jesus was sinless and because he is the Son of God. In the Old Testament, some people had the power of the Holy Spirit, but it came and went at God’s will.

But, when Jesus finished his work at the Cross, the Temple curtain ripped and God’s Holy Spirit became permanently available to all who believe in Jesus the Crucified.

Matthew 27:51, Luke 10:17-20, John 14, Galatians 6:14, Philippians 3:7-11, Hebrews 10