
296 – Happiness is a Choice; So Is Love

When we have not grown up in a positive, purposefully-encouraging home, anger abounds and it is very difficult to fathom that love is a choice.

Love is a choice.

In the small, petty, angry state of frustration with the people around us, the smallest slight can easily offend.

Sometimes, uncontrollable anger can come from electrolyte deficiency or from toxins, like arsenic, stuck in the body from farming mistakes made down the road from your home a century ago. When it rains and floods, hundred-year-old chemicals that don’t rot spread around, even into the garden you eat from and the mud children play in. These things affect every person in every nation of the world, especially America, which developed technology before health and safety laws.

The first and most important step in addressing the toxin and nutrient factor is logic: Saying that chemicals or lack of nutrition could explain anger is never an insult—neither when others say it to you nor when you say it to others. Once you sink that truth into your heart, do your own research because it is a factor, though we always retain a free will in the matter of love.

Learning to love requires time and exhaustion, as with strengthening any muscle. Like a democracy, you must strive to keep your freedom to choose love. It is a constant, proactive, concerted effort. Everyone in the home must agree or else emotions will be toxic with hatred.

It’s not about preventing truthful words that “make waves”, but about recognizing venom injected into those words, not spitting venom back at people who use venom, and the belief that “counting your blessings” isn’t just propaganda.

Focus on the things that are good, helpful, encouraging, and provide a path forward.

Critiques are wonderful, especially harsh critiques; what marks the good and bad is whether the critique includes a way to solve every problem cited. Even when someone gives you a candid critique with no solution, your choice to love means you thank the person, genuinely search-out the blessing in the wrapping, and not silence the person in the name of keeping a “positive attitude”.

The contagious choice to love needs nutrition, not quarantine.

Deuteronomy 30:19-20, Proverbs 9:8, Philippians 4:8, Colossians 3:2, 1 John 4:7-8


295 – Times When Nothing Seems to Move Forward

Sometimes, life can act like the only options that work are sinful, foolish, or compromising of essential values. Sometimes, those values are Biblical and we must hold to our values. God is testing us in those times and if we hang on, following wisdom to the death, God will break through and deliver us at the last minute to something incredibly beyond anything we considered. But, at other times, our so-called “values” are in error and God requires us to adjust our understanding of morality to align our worldview with His Biblical teaching. It is very easy to confuse which of these two situations one is in.

Many people die of disease easily cured because they imagined that God would heal them supernaturally. Many people compromise their morals, claiming that “God wants us to be realistic”, thinking that God wanted them to do what they did, thus losing all favor with Heaven and failing this way. Most people who are on the wrong of these two paths have convinced themselves that they are on the correct path. The only way to see clearly enough to avoid confusing the two is through self-honesty and intense, life-long Bible study. There are no gimmicks or shortcuts or cramming books for this test.

There is also the matter of “vices” that slow us down like an anchor dragged at sea. These are things that we don’t think harm us, but they stop our progress and harm the ones we love. It could be a belief or a pet project you need to ditch or a kind of elbow grease you don’t want to employ.

Let go of whatever harms you and do anything that helps.

When you are in those seasons where, one way or another, your fields yield no harvest: Sow. The Law of Sowing and Reaping is one of your best friends in times of trouble—or your worst enemy for trouble you caused. Sow what is good—learn, initiate, help those right around you, research, move some of your projects forward, get random certifications, do research, practice skills. The more good seeds you sow, the more good harvest the rains will prepare for you to reap.

294 – Vindictiveness Cripples

Anger makes us weak. Getting a grip on anger is a challenge for every human. Some are more prone than others, but it always sneaks up on us. People who rarely get angry can’t control their anger once something finally pushes them over the edge. People who struggle with anger are not alone—they are not a minority; the person who doesn’t struggle with anger just might be the only one on Earth and he is in great peril for not having learned to deal with it earlier.

Giving up anger for joy is one of the hallmarks of Christianity. Sadly, few Christians cash in on this hallmark of their own beliefs, making the “angry Christian” one of the most common oxymorons in the world.

Overcoming anger requires a recipe of owning responsibility for one’s own emotions, uncomfortable amounts of time in focused prayer to and worship of Jesus, filling one’s own thought life with ideas that support a Biblical framework, and, oddly enough, physical health. Diet, exercise, sleep, and environment all contribute to emotions. Even an approaching rain cloud drops barometric pressure, making people edgy. In East Asia, it is generally known that sugar, spice, and fried food contribute to pimples and an “angry/evil fire” in one’s spirit energy. They solve the problem by drinking water, but asparagus also helps, as do melons, guavas, pears, and various edible fruit blossoms.

While curing anger has its recipes, so does anger itself. An uncontrolled lustful thought life is one of the common culprits of anger. So are alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine. Some recent questions consider whether petroleum-based products and chemicals could also have an “angering” effect, such as coming in contact with gasoline, motor oil, or other chemicals, including dry erase marker ink, petroleum-based skin lotion, or bug spray. But, chemicals are always being researched and they certainly are no excuse.

Jesus paid everyone’s vindication price with his own life. So, discipline ought educate and deter, not “transfer due suffering” to supposedly “pay” for crimes. Any conflict, punishment, correction, or disagreement should be entirely empty of any wrath, venom, offense, or “thirst for blood”. If you can’t help it, get help as soon as you can.

293 – Solo Tests

Christian maturity is not tested when we are in groups, but when we are alone. In the secret, when no one is looking, and we have no friends to twist our arms into doing the right thing—that is when we prove and improve our maturity.

Having friends to obligate us and remind us that there are other people in the world relying on our ability to keep our moral code can help coerce good behavior. With other people watching, we are more likely to follow morals and thus not create regret, but this is no test of maturity. If you ever hope to become fully mature, you’re going to have to do the right thing when no one is looking—and that means you’re going to have to be alone sooner or later. Prepare yourself.

Have conversations with good friends. Take counsel and know that having demons to battle makes you more normal than not. But, don’t reduce your friends into a set of crutches. Friends are good for many more things than leaning on all the time. It’s much more fun to take a walk or run together, but that means many hours training on your own to make the group runs all the more formidable.

There is a lot of money made on keeping Christians dependent on systems that only make them weak. The same goes for many consulting companies that maintain a status of “being needed” by offering “solutions” that only perpetuate problems. Sunday morning Christian “church” is great when it’s not a need. But, once it becomes a “need”, that’s when the abuse starts. Jesus is your only “need”, everything else is a “want”, including your friends.

When evaluating any business proposal or Christian fellowship, watch to see what their demands are. Do they try to collect a list of your associates, suppliers, addresses, or phone numbers? Do they get money in a way that perpetuates an existence that only keeps asking for money? Many big companies fall into “marketing scams” because they are bored and never learn to identify scams in personal, social circles, including Christian societies. The way to see through any scam is to grow strong alone.

292 – Problem of Patience

Being patient includes being misunderstood by otherwise and seemingly good people. They won’t know why you won’t jump to take action, so friends whom you thought to be the “most wonderful in the world” will jump to curse at you because they lack patience themselves.

The forgotten virtue of patience is one reason why so many people question God’s goodness, merely for not having eradicated evil. God is eradicating evil through us, being patient with us as we make up our own minds to stop giving into evil—including evil’s way of impatience.

The way of patience opens doors that open no other way. Some doors are only locked by a “slow hinge”—a hinge that turns so sluggishly that most people think the door is sealed shut. Keep pushing, ever so slightly, and the door locked by patience will open up.

The call to be patient applies especially when we don’t feel like it. God is infinitely more patient with us than we could ever be with anyone else. But, if you can be patient with God being patient with you then you can be patient with anyone.

Don’t be impatient about other people’s lack of progress; that’s their problem. Don’t care more about a student’s education than the student cares himself. Don’t get yourself worked up over whatever evil scheme evil Men have planned.

Those who are impatient are their own worst enemies. They don’t need any punitive intervention from you. Just patiently keep watch as God lets them mess themselves up, impatiently of course.

For the foolish who refuse to wise up, remember that they won’t affect your work. Impatient folly can’t harm the task God has for the patient and wise. If they manage to mess up some of your plans then those plans weren’t from God.

If someone makes you late, God is already orchestrating other events so that it won’t matter in the end. Keep your pace, but don’t become impatient.

Having patience is much like having inertia or momentum. Little flies won’t set you off course. Stability comes with patience and is well worth it. Yet, learning patience takes patience, which is always a problem. Just be patient.

291 – Pushover Popularity

Of the many styles and manners, the “pushover” style is the only style everyone will accept. If you want everyone to love you, just be a pushover who can’t get one single thing accomplished in the world. But, if you plan to do anything, like mow the lawn or perhaps something less controversial, you’re going to be accused by someone of being “mean” sounding and cold-hearted.

The more good things you do and the fewer excuses you accept from yourself, the more “verbally abusive” you will seem to those who make excuses for themselves. Not being a pushover is a cardinal sin to those who

Natural human tendency prefers things that are easy to push around. “Go-getters”, who make things happen, have taught themselves over time thet people aren’t things, so we shouldn’t want to push people around. If a person is easy to push around, that person won’t get things done. Learning this is the only way “go-getters” went and got anything done because big things only get done with the help of many “go-getters” going and getting together.

Good friends aren’t easily pushed over; good friends push back. Those who learn to like “pushback” teach themselves again every day to avoid “yesmen”—even loath them. But, left to our inborn autopilot, everyone prefers the pushovers.

You can’t make everyone happy. If you break any ground, you’re going to kick up dust and someone is going to sneeze. “Go-getters” break ground and kick up dust to achieve their good goals that help humanity. Don’t surrender your good goals to the attacks from convincing pushovers, who get under your skin, who won’t accept anything less than you accomplishing absolutely nothing good.

Of course, they will claim to want “good things” accomplished, but they never make a difference below the vernier and they miraculously find a way to complain about petty non-issues whenever someone does. They won’t admit to themselves that they are pushovers who want everyone else to be a pushover as well, so they certainly won’t admit as much to you.

If you won’t be pushed over then your work won’t be pushed over, but will continue to help humanity for years to come.

290 – Learn Your Limits Young

When young, early, poor, and small, life doesn’t offer us the powers and opportunities to smack around those who do injustice to us. Tyrants are made by holding grudges, then beheading their enemies the moment they get the chance. In some cases, your rise to power may require you to send many people to prison or fire them from the company the next day, but be selective. As a general rule, if justice demands that you fire your bad coworkers once you become their supervisor, firing even half of those you could is excessive.

People change with time. Exacting justice against the single worst aggressor may be just what is necessary to bring the rest of the mob in line. Fire only one person on your new day in office, then watch the email meta to see who gets it in gear and who prepares to bail. If you can afford, it’s best to fire no one at all. You would be surprised how loyal your old enemies become once you wield the power of their purse. That could be all the justice needed. This is how God likes to work.

You may be one of the lucky few who gets promoted and are thus celebrated by all your peers. Keep your conscience, keep learning, stay humble, and make sure that you never lose the respect of the friends who helped get you where you are, all while at the same time making the hard choices of a leader.

God allows us to receive injustice in our younger years, but not so to tell us who to hang once we get our turn to keep the throne warm for the day. God shows us these things so we can learn to respond within limits, so that our tenderness can continue once He gives us more responsibility. Look at the limits life gives you and remain within those limits after you receive the power to crush your enemies. Use your past experience to help you remain sensitive to the needs of others beneath you in the future.

Self-control and restraint are necessary for any leader. Learn those things early, then God will entrust you with authority.