271 – Envisioning Straight Onward

When you envision your goals to set your mind for success, this does not grant you permission to be delusional. Goals must be achievable along the responsible road, taking the next small step closest to you, staying between the lines of low-investment and scalable growth.

Many totalitarian governments build large highways and enormous high-rises, entirely empty and unfinished. But, tomorrow’s infrastructure must be built tomorrow, today’s roads must be sized for the traffic of today. As you dream big, dream the phases responsible enough that Heaven will help you build.

Tell yourself that your success is “reachable” and “feasible” and “within your normal capabilities”. Set these ideas in your mind and heart, remind yourself daily, reexplain it to yourself again when you see someone else achieving what you seek.

Dreaming is different from telling yourself that you are already finished and can kick up your feet. The awareness that you can surely achieve a good thing should naturally drive you to work for it, if not then something is terribly wrong, either with your goals or with your mindset.

When the presence of other people interferes with your progress, do not presume that you need to put distance between you and them. Gauge the challenge according to your direction. Stay on task and don’t waste time if your relationship with them us purely recreational. If they say something you don’t like while they demonstrate the competence to help with your goals, then that something may very well be a thing you need to hear, regardless of whether you want to hear it. Perhaps they themselves are your project, to help them learn the ways of happiness and mental determination.

If you run away from difficult allies, you won’t be able to confront adversaries; difficult friends contribute to your own strength and if you run from every difficult friend then you won’t have any friends at all in your day of trouble. You are just as difficult to others as others seem difficult to you. Simply tell yourself that this is normal, no big deal, and that the difficulty that comes with having good friends is just another challenging trophy “within your normal capabilities” to earn.

270 – Stand in Your Place

Know the position you’re, your relationship to others around, above, and below you, and respect the entire structure. Some things you can easily say to others, but some things you can’t. Some things it’s best to allow others to say to you in whatever manner they do; it’s best to give more leeway to those below you, holding those above you to structure-wide procedure and expecting nothing more.

It’s overbearing for a teacher to use friendly-jousting humor against students. It’s out of place for a boss to make jokes about employees. It’s out of place for a parent to tease children about romance. It is equally out of place for any leader to mislabel painfully honest feedback from subordinates as “disrespect”.

While in the seat of the subordinate, some level of respect is in order, but there is much more freedom to be honest from the seat of the subordinate. Children, students, subordinates, and employees should be allowed to speak candidly, giving priority to obedience over tone. The best way to have those below you give respect is to give respect to them.

Brutal honesty from a superior is threatening, but a subordinate can do little harm. When in the place of power, reprove people gently and allow others to express themselves in return. If you are the subordinate and hope to lead, practice being both candid and respectful; practice for the role by conducting yourself as if you were already there.

By Jesus entering into our world through a barn, he position himself to sit in every seat available. Being a baby was the only appropriate way for God to vomit on mortals, any other way would insult. If Jesus had spoken one word of rebuke on the road to Calvary it would have been overbearing. Leaders can take it, but not always give it.

Yet, in the position of weakness, it might be wise to hold your tongue and live to see another day. When things got bad among the Philistines, David drooled on his beard in order to lower his “status” so as to be less able to offend and thereby escape harm. Whatever seat you are in, know where you sit.

269 – Inner Issues

Identify any problems in your heart that you feel a “ping” or unction to talk about. Search them out, then dig them out. As you weed the gardens of your life, learn to accept other people living in their own self-made sorrow while you focus on your task.

Sometimes you need counseling, other times simple reflection, perhaps books on “emotional healing”, certainly Bible study with prayer, but, often times, just ignoring your “inner issues” and focusing on work is the best way to make them go away—but each of these must have its day.

Whatever you say to others, make sure it is a grace to those who hear, that it is appropriate and right for the current situation. Don’t jump on your soapbox all because you feel some unction to deal with an issue you sense lurking in the shadows of your own soul. Just keep doing a good job in everything, “remain present” to your circumstances, and God will bring any lingering issues to the surface in His time. If you try to bring other people’s issues to the surface, then you are probably just trying to wrestle with your own unresolved issues; doing so while while with other people is a failure to “remain present” with your current situation.

Deal with your inner issues when you’re alone or in good counsel. When you do, don’t fear tears. God wasn’t errant when He created us with tear glands. Jesus gave us tears because we need them from time to time. Denying tears their necessary flow is not “grown up” or “manly”, it only stunts emotional growth, leading to “old babies in adult bodies”. Usually, trying to conceal tears “in order to be mature” is the same problem as wanting to talk from a soapbox at inappropriate times.

Stewing about “what someone did to you” is, frankly, petty. See yourself as bigger than your assailants and contenders. When talking to anyone flustered, rude toward everyone, but not blaming you specifically, it’s not an attack; just love them and give them sunshine. Growing bigger than pettiness can be your early answer to challenges, whether from your assailants or people just having a bad day.

268 – Leading in Family

It’s all been said, the books have been written. Do not father children or even begin romance until you are ready to lead family.

Think of the outcome. Life is not about sensation and personal pleasure. Life is about where things lead as much as it is the journey along the way. Only a fool enjoys a beautiful road to death.

If you want a happy friendship, family, business, team—think of where it will lead and if you are ready for the destination. And, always read up on all of the same topics others before you have experienced. Never think you know the road simply because you are traveling on it for the first time. Look before you leap.

College students are the third-most arrogant people in the world, teenagers the second-most, young parents the most arrogant of all. No one understands parenting until grandparenthood.

Young parents are the Second Lieutenants of family, they have just enough responsibility to give them just enough hardship to give them just enough arrogance to think they actually know what they are doing. Where should we think teenagers get it from?

The true test of a leader is not in what follows, but who follows. Leadership 101: To condemn one’s pupils is to condemn oneself.

Maybe the kids need to learn in their rooms. Maybe the married couple needs to read a book by Dr. John Gray. Maybe the new employee needs to listen to Tony Robins or spend some time reading about Joseph’s, David’s, Daniel’s, and Esther’s problems with bureaucracy. No matter where you find yourself leading, always ask yourself: Who’s actually older and who just wants to be?

When kids complain about having to bite closer to the apple core or clean their rooms—when a married couple fights—hen employees of less than five years, still in their 20’s, are fed up with stupidity in management—calmly and quickly brush it off and reassure them at the same time with these words: “Everyone feels that. I did. It’s normal. It makes you not special, with this anyway. But, you still have great contribution to offer.”

Then, end all discussion because it’s time to get to work.

267 – Limit Problems by Limiting Time on Problems

If you tell people you have a problem, they will try to help you with it.

Don’t talk about your problems unless you want help, specifically stating what help you need, even if the only help you need is patience. When people tell you that they have problems, don’t fall into the trap of trying to troubleshoot without first asking what kind of specific help, if any, you can give them.

Always ask if people need help when they broadcast their problems; this will address many a dilemma—the manipulator trying to blackmail through guilt, the complaining gossiper addicted to bad news, and the person who really does need help. If you ask, but the person keeps talking about the problem, make your best guess and give the person a referral, either a professional’s phone number or a book title or something else of the sort that fits your guess. Don’t let anyone complain indefinitely; complaints and problems must be resolved—and it remains everyone’s responsibility to help each other with mutual dignity, swiftness, and giving whatever space and encouragement we each need to get through the normal challenges in life.

By taking everything literally and always being respectful, you won’t need to read people’s minds to know how to respond.

In general, don’t talk about your problems and don’t talk long with people who often do. Keep your problems to yourself, explain the short version so people know what they need to know without hearing your life story. If you don’t need help, don’t talk like you do.

When troubled, be diplomatic, say that you are having a crazy day—but that you are getting through alright; find a way to manage and act like everything is okay. In doing this, you will uncover hidden strength as someone others can depend on. God will often send you secret help that only you know about and other people will never know your car had catastrophic, spontaneous engine failure, only that you were five minutes late in your crazy day, but you kept smiling and politely apologized for your tardiness.

One day you may truly need help. So, keep a reputation for not broadcasting your problems.

265 – Psychology of Resistance

If people can’t fix a problem then they may not complain about the annoying, rude, unpolished people who accomplish the good thing that they couldn’t.

Tyrants complain about a problem, never solve it, amass power, and fight those who actually solve problems.

While many rules are silly—especially laws made by godless people—at some point there are good rules. The good rules get thrown into the mix of bad rules, then people ignore both the good and the bad. Because the good rules are ignored, problems arise. The only way to fix the problem is to enforce the good rules and/or replace bad rules with good rules, but there is the deeper problem.

It’s never fun to start following rules, even if they are good, whether they are new or old. Enforcing rules can’t be done in a nice enough manner that no one will object. At some point, laying down the law becomes a necessity and it’s never politically correct. When the time comes to lay down the law, people will fight back.

When so resisted, don’t fall for the “boycott” trap—that one’s non-customers can dictate that one not do the right thing. Letting your enemies tell you how to fight them will destroy you. Listen to the people in your base—your customers, your supporting voters, your family, your team. Follow that rule and lay down the law of who you listen to and who you do not listen to.

This will inevitably anger your enemy; expect it, don’t take time to discuss or ponder it when it happens.

When a car starts, it makes noise. When snow falls it is colder outside. In the morning, the sun comes up. And, when you lay down the law, criminals complain. None of this is newsworthy.

There are two types of criminals who complain when good laws are enforced: the malicious criminals, but also the self-appointed “tone police”. People who claim to support your ideas, but not your method—and thus want you to cease enforcement—secretly support the criminals and they might not even admit so to themselves. Every devil was once an angels who simply wouldn’t lay down the good law.

264 – Leading as Grandmama

In the 1997 film, “Soul Food”, the lead character named Grandmama fixed every problem in the family, merely by loving everyone. The family was full of problems, blood relatives and in-laws alike. Everyone needed a good sitting-down and told like it was, but Grandmama didn’t state the obvious. She just laughed, giggled, played, and made everything okay. She didn’t cover up or hide problems; she completed the greater mission of keeping the family together.

Sometimes, the best way to solve a problem is to just ignore it. Tell a joke. Make everything okay. Help the tired, self-destructing child get to bed—sleep is the need, not a lecture. Run the late dinner to the guests at the table and drop a small self-depreciating joke that would make anyone’s enemy would pause to chuckle. Smile and ask the 18 year old who ran out of gas, “Did we learn anything here?”

Don’t make matters worse by adding insult to injury. You may thing the punitive fine is educational; it’s not. Punishments are a deterrent, but even police are allowed discretion, choosing whether or not it would help or harm to issue a fine. To educate people is the goal. No one wants to fail and being stopped by the cops is more than enough to tell most everyone to get their heads in the game.

Fools hurt themselves, but they are still hurting. Don’t cave into that instinct to beat up the beaten down. A little well-placed compassion, a foot-up, a line tossed, an anonymous bus pass paid—charitable deeds communicate clearly that the fool’s blunder was seen, that the fool only fools himself, and that the fool is loved by a God who loves all fools.

It’s not anything complex to know that gently keeping the peace will make one valuable, both at the office and in the social stream. It’s not irresponsible to not scold everyone for every stumble. The pavement is a teacher good enough. Restating the already taught makes oneself ordinary, not marketable. The world of the self-ruined need news, hope, something they don’t know. We need help knowing it’s okay to walk again. We need people who will be like Grandmama.